2023 Holiday Reception
Date and Time
Tuesday Dec 5, 2023
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM CST
As of December 1 at 10:00AM, this even has SOLD OUT.
Click "Register" to add yourself to the waiting list.
For assistance, email Shyanne Mattey.
Fort Garry Hotel
Crystal Ballroom, 7th Floor*
For information about parking, click here.
*The Crystal Ballroom is located on the 7th floor of the Fort Garry Hotel.
Complimentary! Pre-registration is required. Registration closes December 1 at 5PM or when capacity is reached, whichever comes first.
Registration is limited and respectfully limited to two (2) guests per member organization.
To register, log in using your username and password. If you don't have a username and password, you can enter just your email address to register, however, your email address must be associated with an active membership.
Contact Information
Shyanne Mattey, Events Coordinator
Send Email
Jingle those bells and don some antlers or an ugly holiday sweater: we're getting together for the holidays and we want to see you there!
As a valued member of the Manitoba Chambers of Commerce, you're invited to join us on December 5 at Hotel Fort Garry for our annual members-only holiday reception. This is our opportunity to say thank you for your membership, kinship, and ongoing investment in our activities.
Hobnob, chinwag, nosh, and network with your business colleagues, fellow chamber members, and professional peers across industry, academia, and government, while enjoying special goodies and a cup of cheer on us.
Let's gather as a business community one final time in 2023 and capture the spirit of the season. Hope to see you there!
This is a member-only event. If your organization is a member, and you need assistance with registration, email Shyanne Mattey.